Sunday, January 6, 2013
For years, along with many other friends, I have travelled in Mexico with Stanley or Dr. B as we know him. There are just too many bad things happening in Mexico now so we have been looking for alternative places to travel. For a couple of summers there were trips to the US Southwest and perhaps there will be more of those in the future. This winter however we are doing something that seems so natural I don't know why it took so long to come up. Many years ago, in the early 50's, Stanley and his wife did missionary work in Puerto Rico. They were there long enough for two sons to be born. Now he is leading a group of friends back for a visit. We will see many of the sights of Puerto Rico and visit the small town where he lived 60 years ago as well. I'm starting this blog on my computer and will keep it up that way when I can but hope to use my iPad as well to do a little on-the-spot reporting. The iPad app is new to me so not sure how easy it will be to use.